Refunds & Cancellations

Refunds & Cancellations

Refunds and returns: Laqtat does not make refunds nor makes returns; fees payable under the License or otherwise to Laqtat are non-refundable even if you opt to terminate the Agreement or any subscription or the same is terminated for any reason. Where the Law requires such refund to be made, such refund will be effected through the same gateway used for payment in the first place, and will be processed within 10 to 45 days depending on the issuing bank of the used credit card. 

2) Renewals: If You have an Annual Subscription, such subscription is renewable successively to equal terms after the lapse of the first subscription term or any renewal thereof, and this entails Laqtat the right to charge the fee applicable to the subscription as it stands at the time of renewal. Such automatic renewal may be suspended through following the account- setting instructions as provided in the Website. a day is defined as the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at the time the subscription is made. A month is defined as a calendar month beginning on and including the date of subscription and ending on the same date in the following month.

3) Cancellation: You may opt to cancel the Annual Subscription by serving to Laqtat a notice fifteen days in advance of the date on which the next monthly payment becomes due, by email provided for this purpose under the following address:, in which case Your Annual Subscription will terminate starting from the month following the month on which the cancellation notice is received. Non-payment of the monthly subscription fee as it becomes due will result in immediate cancellation of your subscription without the need to serve any notice or take any further action.

4) Delivery: Delivery of any Licensed Digital Content will be deemed to have been done at the time You get the download link of such digital content, i.e. when the same appears in the dashboard of your account.