

This License Agreement (the “License”), together with the Terms and Conditions (T&C) and the Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time form a formal agreement between Laqtat and You (collectively the “Agreement”), and sets out the rights and obligations with respect to any Digital Content licensed to You (as those terms are defined below).

Please revisit the Agreement whenever you pay for any Digital Content Licenses. Laqtat and You will be bound to the version of Agreement in force, in respect of any Digital Content License, at the time such payment is made.

Laqtat reserves the right to amend the License and the Agreement at any time and as it deems appropriate. Before these modifications come into force, Laqtat will exert reasonable efforts to serve You with such amendments by publishing the updated version on and/or by other methods as it deems appropriate.

1. Definitions, 

Wherever they appear in the Agreement, following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them below unless the context otherwise indicates. Plural shall indicate singular form and vice-versa. Terms used and not defined herein but however defined in the T&Cs and/or the Privacy Policy shall have the meanings given therein.

  1.1. Laqtat: Al Laqtat Al Methalia Co., a limited liability company, registered in Jordan under No. 60633.

  1.2. You and/or second person pronoun: Any Person willing to download and use any Digital Content. 

  1.3. Person: shall include natural and juridical persons.

  1.4. Digital Content: shall mean collectively Images, Videos, Written Materials, and Audio.

  1.5. Images: any sight-visible still materials other than Videos and Written Materials such as still photographs, graphics, drawings, sketches, vectors, illustrations and the like.

  1.6. Video: means moving images, animations, films, footages or other moving visual and/or audio-visual Content representations, video elements, visual effects elements, templates, graphics packs, and motion design projects excluding Images, whether accompanied with Sound or not, recorded or recordable on any media or device.

  1.7. Written Material: Any material expressed by words and letters, notwithstanding the form, language and the media thereof, and is available for licensing on the Website.

  1.8. Audio: any audible material available for Licensing over the Website, including music, voice recordings, and the like.

  1.9. License: the rights inferred to You by the Agreement and subject to the provisions thereof. 

  1.10. Annual Subscription: The type of subscription that allows You to download Digital Content for a year from the date of subscription, provided that the applicable subscription fee is paid on monthly basis, and subject to the maximum number of downloads specific to such category of subscription as expressed by Laqtat upon subscription is not exceeded. 

2. The License

Laqtat, subject to abidance by the Agreement and payment of the applicable fees, grants to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, perpetual, and worldwide license to the Digital Content as per the following conditions:

  2.1. Images: The License infers upon You the right to use images as follows:

    2.1.1. In a digital reproduction form, such as in websites, online advertisements, social media, mobile applications, e-cards, e-publications such as books, magazines, blogs, and videos to be made available online.

    2.1.2. In physical form, such as in printed materials, books, magazines, newspapers, promotion materials, product packaging, wraps, labels, as part of a trademark, logo, letterhead, business cards, signage, billboards, out-door advertisements, and other forms of two-dimensional physical reproduction. 

  2.2. Video: The License infers upon You the right to use videos as follows:

    2.2.1. In online forms of use, such as on websites, social media, apps, whether by its own or in combination with other media, Content, or as part of other original or derivative work. 

    2.1.2. As part of a live performance, such as in theatrical works and the like.

    2.1.3. Audio: The License infers upon You the right to use Audio in the form of standalone production or as part of other work, whether in time-synchronization with a visual, audio, or audio-visual Content or not.

 If the above terms do not grant the rights you require please contact Laqtat at:

3. Prohibited forms of use:

  3.1. Any form of use not provided hereinabove is not permissible, in addition, following forms of use are specifically prohibited:

    3.1.1. Any use reasonably considered to be offensive and/or insensitive such as a use that portrays any person deliciated in a visual Content in connection with pornography, adult materials, adult entertainment Content, promotion or presentation of escort and dating services, as suffering or being treated for any mental or psychological illness, being engaged in any criminal offenses or acts against honour and human dignity, etc.

    3.1.2. Any use that can reasonably be considered obscene, pornographic, defamatory, deceptive, libellous, illegal by any way, and/or that stirs, includes, induces, endorses or glorifies violence, racism, terrorism, and/or discrimination.

    3.1.3. Any Use in a political context, such as the promotion, advertisement or endorsement of any party, candidate, or elected official, or in connection with any political viewpoint  or policy.

    3.1.4. Any use for the promotion of illicit materials, tobacco, alcohol, psychotropic substances, drugs and the like. 

    3.1.5.   Any act that competes with Laqtat, such as, without limitation the use of any Digital Content to create a similar business, allowing third parties to use the Digital Content, offering the same for license or use whether for a financial consideration or not, reproduction of unreasonably excessive volumes of the Digital Content, resale, redistribution, establishment of a digital gallery, library, or the like. It shall however be understood that nothing herein is intended to limit Your reasonable right to dispose of the work made with the use of a Digital Content so long as it qualifies by its own to be an original work of Your own as per the provision of the applicable copyright law.

    3.1.6. Use of Digital Content in a manner that infringes the rights (including intellectual property rights) of Laqtat and/or third parties (this includes by way of example and without limitation the donation of a false attribution of any Digital Content and or registering any such Digital Content in Your or a third party’s name), and in general any use that is not in line with the provisions of Applicable Law and fair and honest practices such as discrediting, deception, or unfair competition. 

    3.1.7. Extracting any still scene of a Video and using it in isolation of the Video from which it was taken, except for the reasonable purposes of promoting the overall work which incorporates that Video.

    3.1.8. Use in audio-visual media works, such as in a television, cinematographic works (TV series, films, advertisements, radio broadcast, webcast, videos, broadcasting and the like) and as part of live shows, reproduction in audio-visual form such as in CD or DVD format of more than 10 times in aggregate. 

    3.1.9. Use in merchandising form, such as incorporation in merchandise, whether in 2 or 3 dimensional reproduction (clothing, textile, toys, stationary, etc.).

3.2. For the purposes of this License Agreement,

  3.2.1. non-exclusive shall mean that you do not have exclusive rights to use the Digital Content, and that nothing herein or otherwise may prevent Laqtat from licensing the same Digital Content to other persons unless specifically agreed otherwise by Laqtat in writing.

    3.2.2. non-transferable shall mean that except as specifically provided in this License Agreement, you are not allowed to sell, assign, rent, grant, load, give, sublicense, or otherwise transfer to anyone, the Digital Content or the right to use it. You can transfer Such Digital Content to a third party for the sole purpose of enabling the third party to print, manufacture, and/or produce such Digital Content in a material form that includes such Digital Content subject to the terms and conditions herein. If you notice that such Digital Content is used at any social media website in a manner that exceeds the rights conferred upon you under this License Agreement, you agree to remove and delete all works incorporating Content from such Social Media Site, and to immediately report the matter to Laqtat.

    3.2.3. Perpetual shall mean that there is no expiration or end date on your rights to use the Digital Content after you acquire it from the Website as per the terms of this License Agreement.

    3.2.4. Worldwide shall mean that your rights under this License Agreement are not limited in territory and may be used in any place in the world.

3.3. If you are interested in a form of use other than those permissible under this License Agreement, please contact us at:

4. Representations and Warranties

  4.1. Laqtat warrants and represents that the Digital Content will not violate an intellectual property right of a third party, including copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right; nor will it violate third parties’ rights, and/or Applicable Law.

  4.2. Laqtat expressly disclaims any representation or warranty other than that provided above.

5. Indemnification and Limitation of Liability

  5.1. Laqtat will indemnify you and hold you harmless for any direct damages sustained by you, provided that (i) you have not breached the terms of the Agreement or any other agreement with Laqtat, (ii) the damages are resulting directly from Laqtat breach of the Representations and Warranties provided above, (iii) the damages result from a claim by a third party against you (iv) the cause of action giving rise to the third party claim has been reported by you to Laqtat within five working days from the date on which you learned or should have learned of the actual or the threatened cause of action, and (v) the report includes all details of the claim (e.g., disputed Content, the name and contact information of the third party making the claim, copies of any correspondence received and/or sent in connection with the claim, etc.), which report must be delivered by e-mail to Laqtat at the following email address: Laqtat shall have the right to defend, settle, or litigate the matter as it deems appropriate. You agree to cooperate with Laqtat in this regard and to be admitted to the proceedings at your own expense if Laqtat so requires. You agree that Laqtat is not liable for any legal fees and/or other costs incurred by you or on your behalf prior to reporting the matter to Laqtat and/or before receiving Laqtat’s instructions in this regard.

  5.2. Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary in the Agreement, Laqtat’s liability in regard to any claim of those described above in (5.1) shall not exceed the fees received by Laqtat from the user under the License that gave rise to the third party claim.

  5.3. You will indemnify and hold Laqtat, its officers, employees, shareholders, directors, managers, members and suppliers, harmless against any damages or liability of any kind caused by your use of the Digital Content other than the uses expressly allowed in the Agreement. You also agree to indemnify Laqtat for all costs and expenses that Laqtat pay in the event that you breach any of the terms of this Agreement or any other agreement with Laqtat and/ or for any damages, costs, or losses arising out of the modifications you make to the Digital Content or as a result of the context of use of such Digital Content.

6. Miscellaneous terms:

  6.1. Refunds and Returns: Laqtat does not make refunds nor make returns; fees payable under the License or otherwise to Laqtat are non-refundable even if you opt to terminate the Agreement or any subscription or the same is terminated for any reason. Where the Law requires such refund to be made, such refund will be effected through the same gateway used for payment in the first place, and will be processed within 10 to 45 days depending on the issuing bank of the used credit card

  6.2. Renewals: If You have an Annual Subscription, such subscription is renewable successively to equal terms after the lapse of the first subscription term or any renewal thereof, and this entails Laqtat the right to charge the fee applicable to the subscription as it stands at the time of renewal. Such automatic renewal may be suspended through following the account- setting instructions as provided in the Website. a day is defined as the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at the time the subscription is made. A month is defined as a calendar month beginning on and including the date of subscription and ending on the same date in the following month.

  6.3. Cancellation: You may opt to cancel the Annual Subscription by serving to Laqtat a notice fifteen days in advance of the date on which the next monthly payment becomes due, by email provided for this purpose under the following address:, in which case Your Annual Subscription will terminate starting from the month following the month on which the cancellation notice is received. Non-payment of the monthly subscription fee as it becomes due will result in immediate cancellation of your subscription without the need to serve any notice or take any further action. 

  6.4. Payment, currency and taxes: Fees, charges, prices and other determinations of values/consideration at the Website are in United States Dollars and excludes any applicable taxes including those applicable in your jurisdiction (if any). Laqtat shall always receive the prescribed consideration without any deductions and in case Laqtat is under any liability to remit any taxes, fees, etc to any official entity, you agree that Laqtat may use the same payment method you used to pay such consideration in order to reimburse any sums paid and/or withdraw such amounts to make the necessary remittances. 

  6.5. Delivery: Delivery of any Licensed Digital Content will be deemed to have been done at the time You get the download link of such digital content, i.e. when the same appears in the dashboard of your account. .

  6.6. Cooperation in proceedings: In some cases, such as in case of legal proceedings, Laqtat may require that you disclose the identity of your client for whom you used Digital Content to provide services or make deliverables, this request shall always be subject to reasonable notice disclosing the justifying grounds. In general, you agree to provide Laqtat with every reasonably possible assistance in course of legal proceedings to which the same is a party.

  6.7. Termination: Violation to the Agreement gives Laqtat the right to terminate the Agreement without notice without this prejudicing Laqat’s rights under the Applicable Law and contract.

  6.8. Personal Identifiable Information: Laqtat does not grant any rights nor make any guarantees in regard to personal identifiable information that may be contained in the Digital Content.

  6.9. Additional Forms of Prohibited Use: Use of the Digital Content in artificial intelligence, biometric technology (such as face recognition or other means for identifying persons), machine learning and electronic templates (such as websites templates, ready social media layouts) is prohibited without a separate written approval from Laqtat. 

  6.10. Shared Media: You may not store any Digital Content on a shared media; shared media shall mean any medium or more that allows persons other than you to access the stored Digital Content, including servers, clouds, asset libraries and digital assets management systems. You shall always take efficient measures to prevent third parties from accessing any storage media on which you legitimately store the Digital Content on. 

  6.11. Prevention and Reporting of Infringement: You agree and undertake to take every possible effort to prevent others from reproducing any Digital Content and if it comes to your knowledge that a Digital Content is being infringed or is vulnerable to actual or threatening infringement, and likewise if you learnt that a Digital Content is subject to or is threatened with any infringement, violation, or any other claim by a third party against Laqtat, You shall report the matter to Laqtat at the following email address in due course: